A Valentine Day Double |
Along with all the young and not so young romantic couples meeting at the Adelphi Hotel, Liverpool on Valentine’s Day, members and visitors for Allen Pooley Mark Lodge, No 992 also met for Lodge’s February meeting. | |
The main item of business was a double advancement. With the Lodge duly opened the Worshipful Master, WBro Tom Walsh conducted the ballot for two new members. The ballot being successful the two members, Bros Paul Robinson and Peter Darlington entered and were met in the traditional manner among Mark Masons. | |
Once in the safe hands of the Senior Deacon, Bro Michael Fox, the Worshipful Master worked his way through the first part of the ceremony. | |
Then Bros Robinson and Darlington retired from the lodge and did the second part of the ceremony individually. This was done with much humour without losing the meaning of the ceremony. The secrets were presented by WBro John Ryan and WBro Paul Shirley presented the Working Tools. | |
WBro Tom Walsh finished off the advancement in fine form and then greeted the two new members to the Lodge. WBro Steve Walls, the PGM’s Special Rep then greeted Peter and Paul to the West Lancs Mark and presented them with a joining letter from RWBro Keith Beardmore, which also contained an invite to Provincial Grand Lodge in Blackpool on 2 May. | |
With the business of the meeting complete the lodge was closed in due form. Congratulations must go to WBros, Tom Walsh, John Ryan and Paul Shirley for the quality of the Advancement ceremony. | |
We wish Bros Paul Robinson and Peter Darlington a long and happy association with Allen Pooley Mark Lodge. | |
Words and pictures by Derek Gaskell. |