Edmund Taylor Royal Ark Mariners Lodge No 296
Installation meeting, Tuesday 15th October 2024, at the Masonic Hall, Adelaide Street, Blackpool.
The Worshipful Commander, Bro. Shaun Haynes along with his wife, were unfortunately stricken with covid earlier in the week and the Commander was therefore unable to attend and install his successor; Bro Barry Shaw as Commander.
A very willing and able substitute was found at the 11th hour and 58 minutes, to act as Worshipful Commander for the evening and to carry out the ceremony; WBro. Bob Bennett, a master of ritual.
Twenty-one members and four visitors were present.
The acting WC opened the Lodge and offered the RWPGM the sceptre of the Lodge with a hopeful look only to be rebuffed and the sceptre handed back!
Salutations were given to the RWPGM, for which he thanked the Brethren.
A eulogy was given by WBro. Bob McGown for WBro. Bob Halliwell and WBro. Ernie Gavan, who had both sadly passed to the Grand Lodge above recently. The Brethren stood to order for a period of reflection for two brothers who will be greatly missed!
WBro. Bennett then installed Bro. Barry Shaw Master Elect into the chair of Edmund Taylor Royal Ark Mariner Lodge in an excellent and very sincere manner.
The new WC invested all his Officers and thanked everybody for the past and continuing help.
The RWPGM then sprang a surprise on WBro. John Sarti, a visitor on the night, by presenting him with his MBF Patron Gold Award, a very blingy collarette! Additional article on the website.
The Lodge was duly closed and the Brethren retired to the bar area and onto the festive board, which was lively with good food, banter and good craic, which was thoroughly  enjoyed by all present!
A Fylde fiddle raffle was organised by Bro. Steve Smith, which raised £130. A number of additional prizes for the raffle were once again provided by Bro. Roger Buckley!
A very good night aboard the Edmund Taylor Royal Ark Mariner Lodge was had by all with the WC looking forward to a great year in Office!
Words and pictures by Tony Cross