Chorlton Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners. No.394 |
Installation and Elevation Meeting |
Urmston Masonic Hall Urmston. Monday 8th April 2024. 5pm |
Another Team Visit to look forward to, this time in the South of the Province, no on ramps, no motorways and no traffic jams, ten minutes and I was at the hall. Once inside it was a pleasure as always to see lots of well-known happy faces, the PrGDC W.Bro. Arthur Robinson assisted by his PrDGDC and PrAGDC’s had already put members of the team through their paces, you could feel a buzz in the air in anticipation with everyone looking forward to the evening ahead. | |
The meeting started on time at 5pm and following several housekeeping items had been dealt with the PGM. R.W. Bro. Keith Alan Beardmore entered the Lodge accompanied by Grand and Acting Provincial Grand Officers to be welcomed by the Worshipful Commander Bro. Denis Tierney. PrRAMGR who said he had much pleasure in offering Keith the Sceptre, which was on this occasion accepted if only for a short time to introduce members of the Team as he knew that the WC was really looking forward to carrying out the main business of the evening. | |
Once Denis had retaken the Commanders Chair a ballot was taken for an Elevation Ceremony which proved in favour of the Candidate, this was carried out in fine style, the Tools were then presented and explained by W.Bro. David Durling, following this the special steps of the Degree were demonstrated and described by W.Bro. Cliff Hughes RAMGR, once completed the new member then took a seat among his fellow Royal Ark Mariners. | |
The meeting was then adjourned for a short time and on its resumption W.Bro. Denis Tierney was Proclaimed the Worshipful Commander of the Lodge for the ensuing year by W.Bro. Mike Tonge PrRAMGR In an exemplary manner, he then presented the Warrant of the Lodge, the Book of Constitutions along with the Bye Laws and Lodge Bible. Officers for the ensuing year were then presented and invested. Three Grand Masters Royal Ark Council Certificates were presented by the Deputy PGM W.Bro. Giles Berkley PGJD before the Address to all present was delivered as usual in fine style to all by the R.W. PGM. |
Keith Congratulated the Worshipful Commander on taking the high office for another year and wished him and all the Lodge members a happy, healthy year ahead and hopefully some more Candidates. | |
The WC then had much pleasure in presenting a cheque for £150, on behalf of all the Lodge members for the West Lancs Mark Charity Fund, in response Keith said what a splendid amount it was and which as always would be well received and used for needy causes. | |
The PGM accompanied by Grand and Acting Provincial Grand Officers now retired from the Lodge and on its closing the usual photographs were taken to record the Meeting, before everyone took up their allotted seats in the dining room for the Festive Board, having taken up some liquid refreshment, a splendid meal was served by the friendly, attentive hall staff. Following on from the cheese and biscuits the usual Toasts and Excellent Responses were given including not one but two funny stories were given by the PGM, before closing the WC had much pleasure in presenting Keith with a small gift to thank him for attending, then it was time for everyone to say their goodbyes with the usual genuine handshakes of friendship before stepping out into the cold night air and heading to all parts of the Province. | |
Here’s looking forward to the next meeting to see old friends and those we have yet to meet. | |
Royal Ark Mariner Assembly is at The Savoy Hotel, Blackpool on Tuesday 17th September. | |
The Provincial Grand Mark Meeting is at the Winter Gardens, Spanish Hall, Blackpool, Thurs 2nd May. | |
Mark Well. | |
Words and pictures by Austin N Fletcher. PGJD |