Excelsior Mark Lodge Installation

On Thursday 17th February, 2011, W.Bro. John Andrew (Jack) Stewart was installed into the 'Chair of Adoniram' of Excelsior Lodge of Mark master Masons. Jack is 91 years old but has all his faculties and is ready to go into the masters chair yet again having been through the Chair of Garston Lodge of MMM's No.942 and appointed in Provincial Mark Grand Lodge of West Lancashire in 2004 to the rank of P.Prov.G.J.D.

He was installed by W.Bro. Joseph Comerford, who is in his 80s and went through the 'Chair of Adoniram' in Coronation Lodge of MMM's No.563 and appointed in Provincial Grand Lodge of West Lancashire to the rank of Prov.A.G.D.C. in 2009.

The PGM was represented by the Provincial Grand Senior Warden, W.Bro.Eric Picton and we all had a splendid evening.


There was a good turn out for Jack and all the Mark Lodges that met at Garston were represented. Jack is now busy with the book as he is advancing a candidate on Thursday 21st April, 2011. He is also looking forward to going into the 'Chair of Adoniram' in St.George Mark Lodge No.553 on 10th October, 2011, for which a dispensation is being applied for, so that he can occupy both chairs.

Do we remember the saying 'Age shall not weary them' and is this not a great example to our younger brethren.

Submitted by: W.Bro. Derek Horrocks, P.G.Std.Br., special Representative for the Garston Group of Lodges.